Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Leftovers: post-Thanksgiving Day edition

Aw, what the heck? I was going to relax and stay away from the blog today - I mean, isn't everybody out shopping anyway? - but what the heck. I'm up, I have the energy so why not?

Thanksgiving Day Run

I could get used to this.

On Thursday morning, I joined a bunch of fellow Lopers in Loma Linda and ran 10 miles. It's the second consecutive year I've done that, so I guess I'm making this a bit of a tradition. That's nice, considering I never used to do anything but eat on Thanksgiving. This year, and last, I really felt like I earned my bird.

It's also nice just to hit double-digit miles during the week. I don't do that often, and I think I should try and do that now that my work is slowing down a bit.

Word Association

Play along here.

1. Emotional :: Crying
2. Bite :: Head off
3. Get off my :: ass
4. Heroic :: Deed
5. Clothing :: Store
6. Home :: Sweet home
7. Spelling :: Bee
8. Attitude :: Adjustment
9. Argument :: Fight
10. Satan :: Devil

Nothing out of the ordinary I don't


Here goes with another version of Five Question Friday, the post-Thanksgiving edition.

1. What is your favorite part of a Thanksgiving meal?

Turkey and stuffing. I just love the combination. It just does not get better. At my mom's, we'll have cranberry sauce and I like that on my turkey but the turkey/stuffing combo will do just fine.

2. Are you a host or a guest for Thanksgiving this year?

We've never hosted Thanksgiving and not sure if and when we will. Both our parents cook and enjoy cooking on Thanksgiving (we think). Actually, the last couple of years we've had Thanksgiving early at my in-laws and then have spent the day at my parents' house but this year it's Saturday at my mom's while Thursday was spent chowing down at the in-laws.

3. When you think of one Thanksgiving tradition, what comes to mind?

To be honest, there isn't one tradition... until this year I suppose.

But as far as family goes, aside from the usual - visiting with our families, etc. - there isn't really any one thing that's a unique tradition.

4. You have two pieces of pie in front of you and you HAVE to eat you choose pumpkin or pecan?

Pumpkin. Having said that, I'm not really a big pie person. We never really ate pie growing up and whenever I did, it was just okay. But I do enjoy pumpkin pie so I'll take that.

5. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?

Absolutely not. We used to deal with the crowds on Black Friday but in 2003, when Yvie was a baby, we had such a horrible time we opted to not go anymore, and we haven't. My last Black Friday memory is of pushing an almost-2-month-old Yvie through a mass of humanity at Montgomery Ward's, feeling utterly frustrated and irritated.

It's just not worth it. Wasn't then, isn't now.


Mama M. said...

Ohmigosh...I can't imagine what Black Friday would be like with a baby!! I LOVE shopping, but I'm skeered of Black that with an infant and I'd be toast!

Sounds like your Thanksgiving is about as busy as ours!!

Lauren said...

Yeah I liked running in the morning. It was a lot less guilt-inducing to pig out later that way :)