On Sunday, I went out to
Huntington Beach for the Surf City races. For the first time since 2009 though
I was not participating in any of the races. I went there for one reason – to watch
my friend run his first marathon.
Now, there were more reasons that
were great – saw some other friends before, during and after the races – but I
went mostly to see my friend Ren run his first marathon.
Ren joined my pace group in 2011.
His first run with us was when we’d run five miles. He had joined the 13-minute
pace group at first but that was pretty easy for him so he came up with the 10s
and found a more comfortable pace. I was surprised that he’d never really run
before. He was in his early 50s and seemed to be in pretty good shape. He said
he has friends at the school he teaches who are distance runners and figured he’d
try it out.
Ren had also never run a race
before but he ran his first race as a Loper, the Mission Inn 10K in 2011.
Everything was new to him – every Sunday was his longest run ever, every
accomplishment was a first. One run that stands out in particular was a 15-mile
run he and I and two other runners from our group ran in late December 2011, a
midweek long run that we squeezed in because New Year’s was fastly approaching.
By January, he was a bona fide
runner. He ran the Highland Half Marathon in January 2012, his first-ever half
marathon. The next week he ran Surf City half and the following weekend he ran
Palm Springs half. Three half marathons on three consecutive weekends was
impressive, but it was also a bit much. He injured his foot pretty bad, bad
enough that he had to stop running completely. As a result, he was unable to
run the LA Marathon. He also was unable to run the Run Through Redlands half in
April, but he was out there supporting his friends and I was very excited to
see him, even if it was brief.
I was sad for Ren but I knew he
was not a quitter. He was determined to get past the injury and return to
running. I saw him a few times during the summer, just by coincidence, out in
Loma Linda during long runs. He had lost a lot of his stamina so getting
through short runs was challenging. Plus his foot was still a bit tender, and
the last thing he wanted was to reinjure himself.
By the time Lopers started, though,
he was almost back to the old Ren, the runner he’d become. He was chewing up
his long runs on the weekends and had been running regularly during the week.
He signed up for Surf City, choosing to run that as his first marathon instead
of LA (although he registered for both).
Sunday finally came, race day. I
was not about to miss his big day. Having been there at the start of his
running journey, having felt sad for his injury and seeing him make his return
week after week and put the injury in the past, I wanted to see the payoff for
myself. So I got up at about 4 a.m. Sunday morning, cruised down to Huntington
Beach and made my way to the marathon start line.
I didn’t see him. It was about 15
minutes until race time and I was unable to spot him. I scanned the throng of
runners but didn’t see him. I was worried that I would miss him, or even worse
that he had gotten injured and was not even there.
But my nerves subsided when I saw
him and Dean, another Loper who had joined up in 2011. Dean ran his first
marathon one year prior and was now ready for his eighth marathon. I smiled
broadly and greeted them. They were both surprised to see me but I told Ren
that I was not about to miss his special day. I wished him luck, gave him a few
words of wisdom (run strong, this is your day, you can get through it) and got
out in front of the start line. A few minutes later I saw him run past the
start line and onto the marathon course.
After running into other Lopers
before the half and running six-plus miles of my own, I changed out of my
running clothes and went to the tail end of the course, hoping to see Ren come
in. The 3:30 pacer went by and I figured I was in good position to see him. I
figured he’d come in between 4-4:10 so I kept my eyes peeled.
I didn’t see Ren but saw others
come in. I congratulated Dean, hooped and hollered when I saw Doug – another member
of my group – and walked a bit with Chris, another Loper who had run the full.
But no signs of Ren. I checked the Surf City site and saw that he was still on
the course, and sure enough I saw him up ahead several minutes later.
I ran onto PCH and started
running alongside him. Ren breathed out a few words in between his grunts of
pain and discomfort.
“Thank you… for running… with me….”
Not a problem, I replied. This
was after all the main purpose of my visit to Surf City. He breathed out a few
more strings of words, telling me how he went out too fast and had been walking
a lot in Miles 21, 22 and 23. He said this was a whole lot different than
running half marathons. And then, just before Mile 26, he said he need to walk.
I told him to finish strong, to smile and pose at the finish line and enjoy the
moment. This is your moment of glory, the moment you will remember for the rest
of your life. He’d earned this moment, I told him, so he should enjoy it and
soak it up.
I had tears in my eyes. I’d had
tears in my eyes throughout the time I’d been waiting for him, and they came
and went, but now that he was about to become a marathoner, they were back. Off
in the distance, I saw Ren raise his arms and cross the finish line and I felt
a surge of emotions – happiness, joy, pride, amazement – and the tears were
flowing at this point.
I walked up to the where the runners
spilled back onto PCH and met up with him. I shook his hand and congratulated
the newly-medaled marathoner. I walked him out to his car, where Dean had been
waiting for him, sprawled out on a patch of sand. I helped him up and together
we talked about the race and the day. We all shook hands, gave them each a
congratulatory hug and parted ways.
To see someone like Ren complete
his journey was touching for me. Seeing him when he’d never run more than a few
miles, seeing him prepare for his first-ever race, pacing him along uncharted
territory for him and seeing him overcome injury to complete a marathon is
inspirational. It encourages me and further hammers home the point that nothing
is impossible. And to know that I played a small role in his journey just
humbles me.
It lets me know I’m doing
something right.
(from L to R) Dean, myself and Ren, a triumphant trio! |