Sunday, June 20, 2010

20-Miler On The 20th

I got it done.

My 20-miler that was worrying and weighing on me is over.

I guess I had good reason to worry as the run did not go smoothly. I couldn't find my Garmin so I did not use it, I started much later than I wanted to so I paid for it by running in the sun for the last several miles and I was just trudging along too slowly. I crashed afterward, did some stretching, drank some water and then just laid down, in and out of sleep, felt like I fought my GMC Sierra and lost.

I finished in 3:38, which is a pace of about 10:54. I'm not exactly thrilled with that kind of time but then again I'm not quite worried about it. I mean, I didn't have my Garmin so I could have ran more than 20 miles, but whatever.

I'll have to figure out what changed between my 18-miler in May and today's 20-miler because that one I did in roughly 10-min per mile and even ran up a big hill in the middle of it. I felt strong after that one, and I did not feel strong after today's.

Still, this is my longest-ever solo run and my third 20-mile run of 2010 so that's something to feel proud about.

I just hope that pride settles in soon.


Kerrie said...

I've been reading a TON on how it's good to run those long training distance really slow. So don't worry about that. Be proud you got out there and did 20 ALONE. That's amazing! Nice job! AND... you still had time to send a friend the world's greatest pumpkin recipe!

Michelle said...

Way to get out there and get it done!