Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Leftovers (March 26)

Friday's leftover stuff from the week.

Word Association

Play along here.

1. Burrito :: Taco
2. Spike :: Lee
3. Tougher :: Nails
4. Mock :: Draft
5. Slurp :: 7-11
6. Knock :: Hard
7. Conference :: AFC
8. Madness :: March
9. Minds :: Criminal
10. Connection :: W

Explanations: I've been watching too much TV lately, apparently. Even though I really don't like TV (I follow one show religiously, Burn Notice. The rest of the shows I know because Mrs. LB watches them). Criminal Minds is a favorite of Mrs. LB. I don't really care for that show because it's too bloody for my taste. (getting on soap box) I think it's funny/ironic/sad how it's taboo to say any of the seven dirty words on TV but it's okay to show people getting their throats slashed (getting off soap box).

Anyway, some of the above are sports-related. Hard Knocks is a TV show on HBO about the NFL, March Madness is self-explanatory and W Connection is a soccer team from Trinidad & Tobago. Did I ever mention that I've been to Trinidad & Tobago? It is awesome. I'll have to blog about it sometime.

Breakin' In

So how did my shoes work out on Thursday?

Great. You may have read my Daily Mile post on it (over there on the right ---->) but it went very well. The only drawback was that I forget The Garmin (d'oh!) because I'd left it in the car and Mrs. LB drives the car to work. I went to Mt. Rubidoux and figured I'd stick to my four-mile course. I've got it timed pretty good, what four miles is there. The trail is marked but at the two-mile mark I'm usually only at like 1.9 so I know where to make up the added mileage.

It felt good to just run and not look at the Garmin so much. My time for four miles was 34:17, which is about an 8:34 pace. Nice!

The shoes worked great but still need to be broken in more of course. I am not going to wear them at the race on Saturday (nothing new on race day) but will wear them for Sunday's long run. I'll probably do 12 miles on Sunday so I can't wait for that.

Cooking: FAIL

This week has been super extra busy for me in terms of work and family stuff. I've cooked exactly zero times.


Thursday afternoon I spent running around town in search of new glasses for Yvie. She broke her glasses but we got her some new frames and even got her old glasses fixed. They don't look the same but they work, and will be her backup pair once the new ones get here.

Anyway, we went to Lucille's for dinner. Anyone been there? Lucille's serves Southern-style grub. I was adventurous and tried gumbo for the first time. I don't care for shrimp but I had to try it. Maybe it was a Princess and the Frog Cookbook I saw earlier in the day at Border's that inspired me. That cookbook had a recipe for Gumbo and it didn't look like it had any strange ingredients, except for Old Bay Seasoning. That's not something I've used or have, though I've heard of it.

So I said 'Screw it' and tried some Gumbo. I'd love to say it was delicious and that I've been missing out but it was okay, nothing great. I ate the whole bowl, don't get me wrong, but it just wasn't the holy-crap-this-is-fantastic dish I was hoping for. Oh well.

I did have a delicious dessert though - banana pudding. Wow, that was amazing. I have to find me a recipe for some banana pudding.


Unknown said...

I made a new running chart for kids. You can download it at
Thought you might like it. Have a great weekend!

Katie A. said...

Whoo hoo it's Friday!
Good job on the break in run - love those.
I loved your FB post about Yvie and the seals - LOL! So, you're the one in charge of dinner at home? That is fun!
Not a gumbo fan - only because I don't eat seafood and you can't do gumbo with out it :)

Lisa said...

Doh is right. I hate not having my Garmin.

Nice job on the run. Don't think you have to worry to much about the restaurant meals... given that you run. A lot. :)

Raoulysgirl said...

Raouly LOVES "Burn Notice." One of VERY few shows he watches that are not news related! I've watched it with him a few times...not too bad. I love the mom...she's a hoot!!!