Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kids And Fluidity

I don't have time to get into this topic like I want to - ironically enough because of the topic itself - but children and running may not exactly go hand in hand.

I will delve further into the topic but for now wanted to get out some initial quick thoughts.

Now, when I say children and running I don't mean like children running but rather trying to run when you're responsible for children, your own offspring mostly. I bring this up because one of my offspring is sick. Kennedy missed school Tuesday and is home sick again today. Now, her health is way more important than my running. I'm not trying to minimize the situation or anything.

Her fever is just another reminder though of how quickly and unexpectedly things can change as a parent. One minute, I'm planning for four recovery miles and a six-mile run the day after, the next I'm serving up Tylenol and trying to make a comfortable set-up for my 6-year-old. Running? Ain't gonna happen on my terms any more.

The most important thing with being a runner parent is the ability to be fluid. Really, this goes with parenting in general - you have to be fluid because so many things happen that there's no way you can plan for them all. But in particular when you run you have to be fluid. You have to look at the overall picture versus the day-to-day grind. I didn't get my four miles in on Tuesday but I did get two miles in. I won't run six today but I will run later, and I just have to adjust my miles in the end of the week and have faith that I will get my runs in every day and that I will get my 45 miles in or so this week.

A lot of runners do not have children. Or their children are grown. Just looking at some of the runners in my pace group I know this to be true. Also by having read a number of running blogs over time I've become aware of that.

Anyway, while I try and tend to Kennedy, I also will try to keep from getting anxious and stressed about having missed my run. And really as long as she's feeling better, I'm happy.


Willoughby said...

I hope Kennedy is feeling better soon!

You're right about having to change plans on the fly when you're a parent (runner or not). Not much you can do other than roll with it.

Rose (Hacker Half Marathon) said...

Flexibility is the name of the game. You of course know your daughter is first priority, but you're still getting some miles in and that's an achievement in itself!