Saturday, April 23, 2011

Breakin' The Break

Well, I went long enough without it.

Running and I went without each other for too much time, so on Friday I corrected that.

I went on a run.

Yes, it was a few days earlier than I'd anticipated but I was starting to feel the effects of not running. I felt sluggish, felt tired, felt like I was coming down with something. So with the urging of Mrs. LB, I went on a run. I woke up around 5 a.m. on Friday and 30 minutes later I was out running again.

It was a great run. I felt good, as good as I could have wanted to considering I hadn't run for nearly two weeks.

The best part about this run was that I feel energized to run once more. My next race will be on June 4, the Fontana Days Half Marathon, and I can now start planning and training for that in earnest.

It's nice to be back.


Michael said...

Glad your back....and that you wanted to get out there again. Sometimes after a recovery period it's hard to get going again.

Kerrie said...

Mrs. LB was probably GET OUT, GO!

Glad you are back!

tahoegirl said...

High five. Are you coming to Detroit this summer? Or was that just a tease?

Coy Martinez said...

Welcome back Kotter!

Lauren said...

Yay for being back! I love coming back after a break, it feels so... like a 'Homecoming'

Annette@(running)In the Right Direction said...

Good that your back! I can't wait to get back too!

Tales from the Back of the Pack said...

A friend just tipped me off to the Fontana point to point half but I've already committed to a 10K in Long Beach that day. I'm definitely doing Fontana next year.


Blanda Amania said...

Wish someone had pushed me out the door! Way to get back before you're where I'm at and having a heck of a time getting motivated. I've run ONCE since 3/27 marathon, ai!