Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Leftovers (Jan. 29)

My weekly post of thwarted ramblings and would-be blog posts.

Word Association

As always, play here.

1. Food :: Network
2. Death :: Taxes
3. Cafeteria :: Food
4. Need :: Speed
5. Born :: Again
6. Stitch :: Lilo
7. Badly :: Behaving
8. Blocks :: Classic
9. Chuck :: Larry
10. Spiral :: Out of Control

Explanations: Guess what channel I watch a lot? You'll never guess. There were some strange ones on here, namely 9 (didn't like that movie), 6 (not a fan of that either) and 3 (WTF?).

Fuel Belt Giveaway

Tricia over at Endurance Isn't Only Physical is having a kick-butt giveaway. She's giving away a Nathan Fuelbelt! It's so awesome. Although I have my own fuel belt, which I like, I'd wanted to buy the Nathan one but couldn't find it cheap, and ultimately I decided to get one and expanded my options.

But I'd love to have another fuel belt, maybe because the Nathan one seems like a durable belt.

Anyway, go check out her blog. By the way, Tricia lost about 120 pounds in one year, last year. She has a stress fracture right now so she's on the mend but she'll be back out there soon enough.

Surfin' On My Mind

I usually have a lot of thoughts during the week. A lot of running- and non-running-related thoughts. But this week, it seems all I've thought about has been Surf City... well, aside from the usual home- and work- and family-related thoughts of course.

I'm trying to focus on each day one at a time but it's hard to not think about the marathon. I'm excited for it, anxious, nervous. There's really nothing I can do right now except to get there in one piece. I can't affect the weather, as much as I would like to. I can't make the days go by any faster or slower. I just have to go through each day and before I know it I'll be in HB, at the start line.

I'm sure I'll have more of these my-mind-is-on-the-marathon-and-I'm-trying-not-to-get-psyched-out posts next week so I'll just leave today's at that.

One More Thing

Forecast for HB...


(disclaimer: I know this could change and I know I can't do anything but prepare for whatever weather comes my way, but I can and apparently will still complain/fret)

LB Song of the Week

My weekly nod to children's music...

The Grammys are on Sunday. Normally, I really could not care less about the Grammys. My favored music genre - hard rock/heavy metal - has never gotten as much as play on the Grammys as other stuff, so I barely ever pay attention because I don't care for the performances and the awards.

But there is at least one category I care about this time around. Best Musical Album for Children.

The nominees:

American Heroes #3
Jonathan Sprout

Banjo To Beatbox
Cathy & Marcy With Special Guest Christylez Bacon

Family Time
Ziggy Marley

Great Day

Jumpin' & Jammin'
Greg & Steve

Pete Seeger Tribute - Ageless Kids' Songs
Buck Howdy

I've actually only heard of the middle three. If I had a vote, I'd probably vote for Milkshake, but I think Ziggy Marley (yes, that Ziggy Marley) is going to win because I'm guessing the voters will vote for the name. Not to say his songs aren't good, but he has a lot going for him aside from the music. But what the heck do I know?

Anyway, what do you have to do to earn a Grammy nomination for children's music?

Be unique and creative, I suppose. This is Cathy and Marcy With Special Guest Christylez Bacon. Can you tell which one is Christylez Bacon? And yes, this is a song both the girls and I enjoy.


Jephy's Mom said...

The irritated soccer fan was really funny. I hope it's Ok to say that. It must be tough to read stuff like that (and worse) but I'd be worried about you, if you didn't care at all. If only we could please everyone.

Loved the Humpty Dumpty song. It was the best yet.

Willoughby said...

Wow, that's some pretty nasty stuff! I'm not surprised, though. The anonymity people have on the internet seems to encourage nastiness. My guess is that this guy would never have said that to your face.

Hmmm...I'm curious about your explanation as to why you may remove the comment. I may drop you a message on FB.

Lisa said...

Wait, someone left that comment on your blog or somewhere else?

People who do that sort of crap usually do it our of jealousy. Sounds like you didn't let it bother you.

Tattoos and Teething Rings said...

I like your kid song pics, I never let my kids listen to "kid" music because I'm selfish like're making me look bad!

Tricia said...

Thanks for the shout out. Since I'm benched for the next several weeks I've decided to pass the time by giving away goodies to stranger :) Oh....and working on my guns.

Have a great weekend!