Wednesday, September 15, 2010

On The Verge

I like me some dailymile.

The site is a great way to keep track of your running stats. Actually, any stats, be they running, walking, cycling, swimming, whatever.

I am a runner so I log my running stats. And the stats say that I've run quite a few miles this year.

I'm planning on running 4-5 miles today, but somewhere early in the run I will cross the 1,000-mile mark for 2010.

I'll be back later today to let you know how it went.


Kathrin said...

Great job! I am not even close to those kind of numbers and I don't think I will get there this year... But I also didn't run a gazillion marathons in 2010! ;-)

Zoƫ said...

1000 miles? Woot! Great job, dude!

And Dailymile is the best!