Monday, May 10, 2010

Motivational Mondays (May 10)

This stuff never gets old.

If you're a longtime reader of this blog, you probably know all about my previous struggles with weight. Well, actually, there wasn't much struggling because weight won out. Of course, my life's in a much different place now and I am far more active than I ever used to be.

On Yvie's second birthday, Oct. 2005

With a very young Kennedy, Feb. 06
While I don't feel like this anymore, I haven't exactly forgotten what it was like to be the super-sized version of LB.

Christmas 2009

At Disneyland Summer 2008

I'm still the same person inside now as I was back then, although now I've been injected with a jolt of confidence and self-esteem that I did not possess before. Motivation too... well there are a lot of qualities I unearthed under the 120 pounds I shed, but those are ones that stand out.

Part of the reason I love to run is because of how I used to look. I could never have dreamed of running one mile before. That would have been next to impossible. One mile for 300-plus-pound LB was just not going to happen. And seriously, a marathon? Yeah, right.

But of course now things have changed a lot. One-mile runs also don't happen these days simply because I've barely broken a sweat a mile in.

So if I'm not stressed over my pace too much, if I don't ever qualify for Boston or break the four-hour mark of a marathon, or break any of the PRs I've set, you know what? I'm not going to be too upset over that.

Every race, hell, every run is a gift. It really is.

And that won't ever change.


Tricia said...

you're right, it never gets old.

Whitney said...

Good heavens - you look so great! And it's awesome to hear that you still appreciate every single run that you do.

Katie A. said...

As a former fatty, I can totally relate. But don't give up on your time dreams. I never thought I would qualify for Boston, but it's amazing what you can achieve when you put your head down and run - I don't need to tell you that!
I also still fear going backwards, even though I know that isn't possible. But none the less, it's still a fear. You are doing amazing things and I know you’re still full of running surprises!
Have a great Monday buddy!

Manderz said...

Great post - I totally relate. Keep up the great job. You are such an inspiration to me.

Becky said...

LB, thank you for putting it all in perspective for me again. I have kept off 118 lbs for almost 7 years, and I forget sometimes that each run is a gift. Who cares what our finish time is in a race? It is totally not important.

Thanks again for your great blog. It never gets old.

Michelle said...

Amazing accomplishment! Way to go!