Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tres Cosas Jueves

1. Neglect: Wow. Can't believe it's been a week since I posted. Did not mean to intentionally neglect my beloved blog readers but just a combination of being busy and trying to find motivation. I've just been feeling like I'm in a rut here. I have a half marathon coming up and I'm not feeling like I've prepared enough for it. So me not feeling 100 percent mentally... it's tough to write interesting/motivating posts when they're not coming from an interesting or motivating source. But I am working on that. I've made it a goal to hit the ground running hard at Camp Pendleton for the Mud Run on June 18 and I think I'll make it happen.

2. P90X: Part of why I think I'll be feeling well then is that I've decided to do P90X. My brother Danny, who is lending me the stuff to do it, did P90X at the end of last year. Here is what he looked like before, at the 30-day and 60-day mark. I never saw a picture of the 90-day mark but he did get pretty rocked up.

This doesn't change anything though because I'm still the dominant one, but that's pretty good stuff. Don't know if you'll see a shirtless LB here but I'm hoping for similar results.

3. End Of The School Year: Today is the last day of school. Unreal! I don't think it necessarily flew by but May really did fly by. I swear it was just April and I was bracing myself for the final month of the school year. This is sort of strange, to have the last day of school come in May. Growing up, I always got out in June and always came back in September and never (luckily) had to do year-round school. But the school district here changed the calendar so now the girls are done in May. It's pretty cool, I have to be honest. We're going to enjoy our summer, thankfully the weather is more summer-like now so I foresee a beach trip next week... Either way, it's going to be nice to have lazy mornings at home pretty much any day we want.


misszippy said...

Those PX90 pics always amaze me. My kids arent' done until June 21st this year, so still some time to go. That's ok by me 'cause I still have tons of work to do before they get out!!

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to try that but with half IM training.. I'm kind of busy! LOL

Jen Feeny said...

The brotha def got some rocking muscles going on there! Good luck with the program, I continue to hear great things about it.

As far as not feeling prepared for the Half, no matter what you have the base to finish so why not live it up and enjoy this one. Take in the scenery and take the pressure off the time. They can't all be PR's especially those we slack on training for so just bring your camera and soak up the experience!

tahoegirl said...

So sad to not be running the Mud Run... :O(

Happy for the last day of school. We expect lots of pictures this summer. Take some of the beach...and then take some of sitting in traffic getting to the beach. HA!

Pfftt...four hour drive from Oxnard to Oceanside. Whatev.

Jim ... 50after40 said...

I never had a bro, but that cracked me up "I'm still the dominant one".

Blanda Amania said...

Been in a rut too. I want to try out the P90X too, but need to hook up with my buddy to get a copy. Good luck finding motivation, on your half, and with P90x!

Willoughby said...

I agree with you. May has flown by. My son is done with school but my daughter won't be done until June 10.

I'm anxious to hear how you like P90X. My husband wants to try it, too. A friend of ours lost a ton of weight and got really ripped using it.