Saturday, February 21, 2009

Even dozen

When I woke up this morning, I felt good. I'd been worried about a pending cold, at least something I've felt coming on that I think is a cold, so I went to bed last night unsure of the status of my run. But when I opened my eyes just before 5 a.m. I knew a run was in store for me.

About two hours later, I had my running gear on and was ready to hit the road. I'd planned on running 12 miles, and had mapped out a route during the week. I was all set for the run; mentally prepared, felt well physically, no pending commitments that needed my attention/presence. None of that. Just me and the road... and my iPod, Garmin, Polar and all my gear as well.

I tried to divide my run into thirds but the math wasn't working out. The first third would be at the corner of one street and another (I'd type the name but it won't mean jack to most of my readers); that particular intersection was when I'd change course a bit. The route resembled a strange triangle, and that was near one of the corners. However, the second third - the end of the eighth mile - wasn't really near any sort of intersection. So I just decided that the last stretch, which was about five miles, would be my final leg.

Interestingly, my run divided in thirds after all. The first third, which coincided with the first leg, was a bit rougher than I had intended. The second third was great, fantastic. And the last third was pretty tough, got tougher as the run went on.

Still, it was a good run in that I ran for two hours and 12 miles, each new personal highs. I need to run those distances in order to best prepare for my half marathon so in that sense it was perfect.

In the end, my muscles were fatigued more than anything. But my body will adjust. It will have to since I have another 12-mile run scheduled for next week too.

Hopefully all legs of that one will go by smoothly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I continue to be amazed by your dedication! Way to go, Luis!