Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post 1100... Plus

I missed a milestone.

Sometime in the last couple of weeks, I hit the 1,100 post mark.

Before, I'd sort of celebrated each milestone and I'd kept track of when I would hit the magic number. This time around, though, I lost count. I only officially counted posts that were published and since I had a lot of posts in draft mode, those didn't count to me but they counted towards the figure that shows up on the Dashboard. So my numbers were off.

I zapped all of the drafts and whittled the number down to 1,107. I guess this would be post no. 1,108 then. Good stuff.

As always, thank you for helping keep this blog up and running. Without readers, this blog would be... well, it probably wouldn't exist. So thanks for making me a part of your day/week/month.