Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday 10-miler

We're at our first pool part of the summer, well, technically not summer yet but still... So I'm glad I can enjoy being around water without worrying about my weight. But that's another topic for another day.

I'm still recovering from this morning's 10-mile run. Didn't intend to run 10 miles but got to 8.5 and said screw it and made it to 10.

Some setbacks: strap pain was intense over the last few miles. Gotta figure that out if I want to run the marathon.

My nipple bled like crazy. Didn't realize until I got home and Mrs. LB asked me if it hurt. I was like, huh, and looked down at my chest to see a big red spot. Ouch.

Positives: first double-digit run since half-marathon. My time was slow: right around 1:40, but that's fine.

Stats: 170 avg HR, 178 max, 1655 calories burned.

Well, off to enjoy the pool. Or, at least a cold beer poolside. I can't swim :)


Angie Eats Peace said...

Body Glide. You must get it.

Enjoy your beer :)

Willoughby said...

Ouch! Sounds painful!